How to Clean White Leather

Nothing looks quite as classy and crisp as a white leather sofa. They’re at once timeless and modern, super comfy, and elevate any space. In the same vein, we also love a pair of classic white leather Adidas. What we don’t love is when dirt, wine, or scuff marks keep us from looking fresh in our white leather.

Here’s how to clean your favorite white leather items

Regularly wipe white leather furniture and goods with microfiber cloths. Then, when dirt and grime have built up enough to warrant a more intense cleaning session, use a commercial leather cleaner to wipe down your leather.

Want to make your own leather cleaner? DIY Network’s recipe uses warm water, a few drops of Castile or liquid dish soap, and a few drops of vinegar.

  • First, dip a soft cloth in the mixture and wipe down surfaces

  • Second, be careful not to use too much of the mixture when cleaning because leather is porous and excess moisture can damage the surface

  • Last, once the stains are gone, go over the same spot with a different cloth dampened with clean water to rinse the leather of soap

DIY Network’s other cleaning liquid recipe uses 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/3 cup vinegar. Feel free to experiment and make the most of what you already have at home.

Trying to remove ink? Nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol can help. Or, are you trying to remove oil or grease? Baking soda or cornstarch will do the job!

Scrubbing up your favorite pair of white leather shoes? Real Simple suggests that you use Ivory soap and a dampened cloth.

Now that you know how to clean white leather, take some time to learn about pet-safe houseplants, the best ways to deep-clean your shower, and discover much more on our handy-dandy home cleaning blog.

Want help keeping your white leather—and everything else—neat and tidy? Get a free home cleaning estimate today.