How to Get Rid of Mold

The mere sight can make anyone’s stomach drop … mold! And, it’s growing in your home! Don’t fret—mold can always be removed, especially if you catch it early. Here’s how to get rid of household mold.

But first, let’s answer some basic common questions:

Do I need to hire a professional for mold testing?

Sometimes concerned homeowners call mold specialists when they discover mold so that the specialist can determine the type of mold to find out whether it’s toxic or not. Is this necessary? The truth is that if you see obvious and visible mold, the type won’t matter much because it will get removed regardless of the kind of mold, making sampling and testing unnecessary.

However, there are some circumstances in which you should get mold testing done by a professional, for example:

  • If you can smell of mold is present, but you can’t identify where it’s coming from

  • If there have been plumbing or water issues that could have increased the risk of mold in the air and/or inside the walls

  • Testing for Post Mold Removal Clearance

  • If there are health concerns in which a doctor or patient can’t identify the cause of mold symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, headaches, etc.

So, do I need to hire a professional to get rid of mold?

As long as you do it safely, you can handle small mold issues yourself. Most household mold is mildew, which is gray and white and often powdery. When mold is more persistent, it can turn black and scary. But, when to call in a pro? The Spruce says, “The rule of thumb is if the mold covers 10 or more square feet, call in a professional.”

Okay, so now that you know that you can probably handle mold cleanup yourself, here are the tools you’ll need and steps to follow so you can do it safely and effectively.

1| Get the right tools and protection in line

Experts suggest that you wear a mask or N-95 respirator, gloves, and goggles when you’re cleaning anything moldy. You’ll also need:

  • Cleaning rags

  • Scrubber sponges

  • Buckets for water and solution

  • Spray bottles

  • A dehumidifier

  • Cleaning solution: mold cleaner, dish soap, white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, borax, etc.

  • Garbage bags

Pro tips for picking the right cleaning solution:

  • There are special mold cleaners on the market, so that might be helpful for you.

  • You can also use a white vinegar or bleach solutions (1 cup bleach per gallon of water).

  • Lastly, if you’re looking for an alternative cleaner or want to use something you already have around the house, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and borax can help—read this for more info!

2| Identify the source of the moisture

Where’s that pesky mold coming from? Is there water dripping in from somewhere? Is the room particularly damp? You might have to clear your gutters or repair leaks. If you don’t know where water is coming from, talk to an expert! And, it’s always smart to use a dehumidifier and/or a fan to help prevent future mold growth.

3| For hard, non-porous surfaces …

Scrub away mold from hard surfaces like tile with all-purpose cleaner and a scrubber. Then, dry the surface completely with a rag.

4| For porous surfaces …

If you’re cleaning walls or concrete, try to limit your scrubbing to a rag as to not damage the surface or make it more porous. If you can’t seem to get it out with that method, it’s time to call on an expert.

5| For wood …

Try a milder cleaner like dish soap or diluted vinegar. You’ll likely need to sand the wood after you clean it, and, while you’re sanding, make sure you’re wearing your mask and cordoning off the area you’re working on.

6| For caulk …

Wondering how to remove mold from caulk in your bathroom or between floor tiles? Use your bleach solution! Spray the mold with the solution and let it soak for a few minutes. Scrub with a rag and wipe clean with a separate rag that’s been soaked in water.

7| Have mold outside?

The same principles apply outside. Wear your protective gear and scrub with a tough scrubby or bristle brush. Your garden hose will be your best friend for rinsing.

8| Clean up properly

Make sure to wash your clothes and dispose of all other materials when you’re done–holding onto anything with leftover mold spores can encourage growth to start all over again.

If you’re battling household mildew, our cleaning pros know just how to get rid of mold to keep your house sparkling and fresh. Get a free estimate today!