How to Celebrate Mother’s Day During Quarantine

The COVID-19 pandemic means many of us are in quarantine, which also means you might not be able to see mom in person this Mother’s Day. But we’re firm believers in the fact that love goes on during a pandemic. There are tons of heartfelt ways to connect with mom virtually for Mother’s Day. Here are a few of our favorites for you to try…


How to celebrate Mother’s day virtually during quarantine:

1| Virtual Brunch

Apps like Zoom or Whatsapp make it fast and simple to host a video call to celebrate Mother’s Day virtually from any device. Invite mom to a virtual brunch and decorate your background with pretty candles and family heirlooms so she feels like she’s right there in your home.

2| Take a Virtual Trip

Airbnb hosts unique activities from around the world that you can attend with an internet connection and a small fee. Celebrate Mother’s Day virtually by picking an experience to try. They include meeting woolly sheep in New Zealand, opera and pasta making in Italy, and a tour or Paris with a Parisian.


3| Send Her a Care Package

Put together a care package of her favorite things and mail it or drop it off safely. Then you can get on a video call with her as she opens up your present and enjoys the little goodies you’ve included.

4| Bake Together

Schedule a different Zoom call and pull up a recipe you’re both wanting to try. Bake alongside one another virtually and make sure you leave room for a taste test and recipe review.


5| Make a Playlist

Does your mom love music? Create a Spotify playlist for her and include her favorite songs, songs that remind you of her, and songs from major years in her life: perhaps you’ll choose the hit songs from the year she graduated high school, or the year your sister was born. It’s up to you!

6| Travel Through Family History

This Mother’s Day gift idea is also a gift to you! Jump on a Zoom call and share your screen. Then, sign up for a free trial at Explore your mom’s side of the family and swap questions and stories about your ancestors.

A great add-on to any of these Mother’s Day gift ideas is an e-gift card from RM Cleaning that can be redeemed once the country opens back up. Your mom can get in touch with us via phone, email, or video chat to customize a cleaning plan. She’ll love having a clean, cozy house … without having to lift a finger!