Copper Kitchen Sink Care & Maintenance 101

Did you know? Copper is humankind’s oldest metal, and it has many uses. One popular place to see copper is in today’s modern kitchens. Copper is beloved for kitchen sinks because it offers a contrasting focal point and amazing natural microbial properties.

But, with the perks come a little extra maintenance. Read this guide to copper kitchen sink care and maintenance to protect your kitchen’s most precious, gleaming asset.

1| A Note on Patina


Copper sinks will develop a natural patina over time with proper use and care. This patina will appear as a thin layer that has a unique color and texture, and will protect your copper sink from the elements.

If you’re wondering whether your sink will turn green like the Statue of Liberty, here’s your answer: it will only turn green in spots that are exposed to moisture for extended periods, but you can easily remove this discoloration with a soft cloth or fingernail.

2| Daily Care

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With gentle daily care, your copper kitchen sink can last years. Here are some tips:

  • Wipe down your sink after use with warm water, gentle dish soap, and a soft cloth

  • Clear out food as needed to prevent discoloration

  • Avoid extended contact between the following items and your sink to protect the patina

    • Acidic foods (citrus, tomatoes, ketchup, etc.)

    • Cosmetics (toothpaste, makeup, shaving cream, etc.)

    • Abrasive chemicals (bleach, drain unclogging chemicals, etc.)

    • Oil (from your fingers, chips, etc.)

We recommend getting a grid for the bottom of your sink to protect it from dishes and exposure to kitchen messes.

3| Long-Term Maintenance

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Sinkology offers a protecting armor for regular use on your sink. This “armor” offers a robust protective sealant for your copper kitchen sink.

4| Be Patient With Your Patina

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The Copper experts at Sinkology say to be patient with your copper. If you notice spotting, water stains, or areas of stripped patina, wait and watch your sink’s natural patina repair these imperfections over time and with gentle cleaning and use.

Need help keeping your copper kitchen sink—and the rest of your kitchen—sparkling clean? Our cleaning experts customize cleaning service packages for busy Wisconsinites! Contact us today for more info.